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Community Beautification: Key Aspects To Focus On And Its Benefits

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Community beautification is a vital aspect of improving a homeowners association. It allows the HOA to attract new buyers and boost property values. Moreover, community residents will take more pride in their neighborhood when the community is beautiful and well-maintained.

What Is Neighborhood Beautification?

Neighborhood beautification is making the community look beautiful and feel more satisfying to live in. It enhances the community’s curb appeal, making it more pleasant and liveable. Proper beautification fosters better community relationships, increases curb appeal, and supports economic development. 

The Importance of Neighborhood Beautification

Neighborhood or community beautification serves several purposes. It allows the residents to feel pride and a sense of satisfaction with their neighborhood. As a result, they will be less likely to complain about the HOA board. It also encourages residents to pay their HOA dues and comply with the community’s rules.

Apart from this, community beautification enhances the association’s reputation. It raises the value of each property within the neighborhood and attracts new residents. This is vital to maintaining the homeowners association’s financial stability, as more residents means more sources of funds.

In addition, community beautification allows the HOA to build stronger bonds among residents. That’s because many beautification programs encourage participation from volunteers. Allowing the community members to work together can help them form new relationships. 

Key Aspects of Community Beautification

Your HOA board can undertake many community beautification projects if you’re eager to beautify the community. Here are some of the key aspects your neighborhood should focus on. 

1. Neighborhood Cleanliness

One of the most important neighborhood beautification projects any association should do is a neighborhood cleanup. Dirty and unmaintained neighborhoods will always look unattractive no matter how many amenities they have.

Consider cleaning the community’s streets, fields, parks, walkways, and empty lots. It can be as simple as assembling a committee or team to pick up trash one Saturday afternoon. Sometimes, the HOA may need professional help to fix loose or low-hanging electrical wires or clean up graffiti. 

2. Cohesive External Architecture

Adopting architectural guidelines is among the best and most widely used community beautification ideas. This allows HOAs to ensure that all its properties look harmonious and presentable. They don’t all have to look the same, but they shouldn’t look chaotic or jarring.

3. Building Conditions

There’s nothing more off-putting in a neighborhood than abandoned and dilapidated buildings. Even if the neighborhood is clean and has harmonious properties, it can quickly lower the community’s reputation. It can also affect the residents’ quality of life and satisfaction.

HOAs should repair any structure that might be in poor condition. The community may even break down or replace these structures to make way for new properties or amenities. This not only improves the neighborhood’s aesthetics but also limits potential accidents. After all, unused or damaged structures can be dangerous for residents and passers-by.

4. Landscaping

Greenery breathes life into the community and can improve mental health. Consider planting trees, shrubs, grass, and flowers to make the neighborhood feel more inviting. Moreover, remember to maintain these green spaces and mow grass regularly. 

Some HOAs may even require residents to mow and maintain their lawns as part of their rules and regulations. However, an association’s authority to dictate these rules may depend on state law and the community’s governing documents.

Most homeowners associations cannot provide proper landscaping themselves. After all, the community’s board members may not have the time, resources, or knowledge to landscape the area. Hence, the HOA should consider hiring a professional landscaping company that can help with landscape maintenance.

5. Parks and Open Spaces

One of the best neighborhood beautification ideas is creating parks and open recreational spaces. If the neighborhood already has parks, consider further improving by adding plazas, a playground, or other facilities. Moreover, remember to maintain these spaces so people will be encouraged to use them. 

6. Neighborhood Lighting

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Both condo and homeowners associations must pay attention to proper lighting. That’s because common areas with improper or insufficient lighting can encourage bad behavior and crime. It also lowers the appeal of HOA amenities and the overall community. Moreover, the association may be liable for accidents due to a lack of lighting.

Ensure to install proper lighting fixtures in every street, park, walkway, and amenity. The fixtures should be of ample size relative to the area they’re lighting. Also, remember to conduct regular inspections and ensure these lighting fixtures are maintained. 

7. Parking Regulations

Community beautification isn’t just about taking on new building projects or installing fixtures. Something as simple as implementing parking regulations can make a huge difference. That’s because haphazardly parked cars can greatly affect a community’s appeal and livability. They may also pose safety hazards for residents and guests.

Consider implementing parking rules on where and how homeowners can park. Some HOAs may also provide a designated parking lot for guests and residents. Others even create multi-level garages to accommodate everyone. Regardless of the method, ensure that the community’s roads and walkways are clear of vehicular obstructions. 

8. Public Art

Installing or posting public art in common areas is a great way to add character to the neighborhood’s open spaces. Public art can reflect the neighborhood’s values and strengthen the residents’ sense of community. It can also add life to any open space.

Public art may not be a necessary addition to all homeowners associations, but it certainly enhances the community’s curb appeal. Whether it’s from a professional or resident artist, consider commissioning a painting or sculpture that suits the community’s identity. 

Beautify Your Community

Community beautification can be a difficult task for many homeowners associations. However, it certainly impacts the residents’ quality of life and overall living experience. Make sure to prioritize beautifying your community even in the simplest of ways.

Is your HOA struggling to beautify the neighborhood? Hiring an HOA management company, like Landmark Community Management, may help. Our management services are matchless and can elevate any community. Contact us online or call us at 512-569-5527 today!